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I just so happened to have re-watched the movie “1984” about a year and a half ago. Back then, the movie experience unnerved me a bit because so much was coming true. But I wasn’t too deeply troubled. Yet this morning, I stumbled upon this old movie trailer for “1984” at a website remembrance for the late John Hurt. I cannot express how disturbing and unsettling it is to watch and bare witness to this movie’s message now. Everything in that movie (and book) feels far more real now. It was once considered science fiction. Now it is suddenly science fact. (Unless you don’t believe in science or facts.) The majority of “1984” (the book is now the #1 bestseller on is actually happening. Every line from the trailer is taking place. It sent a cold shiver down my neck. The only thing inaccurate about it was the date was off. Instead of “1984”, it should have been titled “2017”.

Narration from the beginning of the trailer: “George Orwell had a haunting and terrifying vision of what the world might become. He imagined a world held in the grip of fear. A world of absolute conformity… of continuous surveillance… of organized hatred… and ceaseless war. A world where pleasure is forbidden… where history and language are being systematically destroyed… and where living people simply vanish.” Hmmm… does this remind you of any nations or world leaders?